Mar del Plata (Feb 25, 2001)

Wherein Alan visits the family house in Mar del Plata, the resort the Pagliere family has gone to every summer since 1947.

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On the beach. Alan, Mariana, Pelusa, Lucila, Anetka, Milagros.

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Can you tell who is the person from up north who didn't think it was cold?

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Las hermanas en la carpa.

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Lucila y Cesar.

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Mariana y Willy.

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Willy, Mariana, Anetka.

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Cesar rezando.

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Cesar rezando más.

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An old memory.

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Dinner at the restaurant, La Estación G¨errico.

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Big dog outside La Estación Güerrico.

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Strange mock Lady of Lourdes: La Gruta de Lourdes.

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Even stranger interior of La Gruta.

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Thanks from Virucha for her great granddaughter, Camila.

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Morrison Lives.

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.